Can the exercises be overdone?
Sure-if your pain increases (as a general rule, you shouldn’t have pain for more than 10 minutes after you exercise), range of motion decreases, or your function becomes increasingly limited, you are overdoing it.
How far should I stretch into pain?
When performing a stretch, you should stretch to the point of pain unless otherwise instructed by your therapist. Stretching through pain rarely is helpful.
How long will it take for me to recover from my problem?
It depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your problem, and how long you’ve had your problem. Your therapist will give you an estimated time frame for recovery.
When should I increase the weight with an exercise?
Ask your therapist. Generally, if the resistance feels light and you can easily do 20-30 reps straight, add weight.
How many times should I repeat an exercise?
Repeating an exercise movement 10-15 times (also called 10-15 repetitions) is adequate to stimulate healing and neuromuscular reeducation. Physiological muscle hypertrophy (gaining muscle mass) is typically accomplished with 3 sets of 6-8 reps and working to failure (the point at which you couldn’t do a 9th rep for example). Hypertrophy is not the typical goal of rehabilitation exercises.
How can I tell if I am making progress?
Progress is typically determined by your symptoms and level of function. If your pain is decreasing, range of motion is improving, it is easier to lift something, put on a shirt, sleep on your shoulder, etc. These would be signs of improvement.
What should I do if I am not improving?
If you are not improving, contact your therapist. He/she will have additional recommendations.
Do I perform all of my exercises-one after the other?
The exercises are typically done one right after the other and the order does not matter. Your therapist may have specific instructions for you.